Let's go beyond a week of celebration - join us in sending a heartfelt message to a staff member. Your words of gratitude can truly make their day! #communityrecognition #thankyoustaff #teamappreciation #WeAreDR
3 months ago, Fred Souza
Cross country meet today at home versus Berkley
3 months ago, Stephen Donovan
Cross Country
Cross Country
Cross Country
Cross Country
Cross Country
Cross Country
Cross Country
7th Grade this morning
3 months ago, Stephen Donovan
7th Grade
7th Grade
7th Grade
7th Grade
7th Grade
7th Grade
7th Grade
7th Grade
7th Grade
7th Grade
We want to take a moment to celebrate our incredible teachers and staff who give their best day in and day out. Your dedication and hard work make a difference every single day. Thank you for all that you do! 🙌 #StaffAppreciation #ThankATeacher #TeamWork
3 months ago, Fred Souza
"Good teachers know how to bring out the best in students." We are fortunate to have an incredibly talented and dedicated staff here in Dighton-Rehoboth. Have a fabulous week—you deserve it! Happy Staff Appreciation Week!! May 6-10 #WeAreDR
3 months ago, Fred Souza
8th Grade this morning
3 months ago, Stephen Donovan
8th Grade
8th Grade
8th Grade
8th Grade
8th Grade
8th Grade
Cross Country meet at BMS this afternoon
3 months ago, Stephen Donovan
Cross country
Cross Country
Cross Country
Cross Country
The softball team stayed undefeated by beating a previously unbeaten Seekonk Team. What a game!!!
3 months ago, Stephen Donovan
7th Grade this morning
3 months ago, Stephen Donovan
7th Grade
7th Grade
7th Grade
7th Grade
7th Grade
7th Grade
BMS Softball was home against Westport today
3 months ago, Stephen Donovan
5th Grade Related Arts this morning
3 months ago, Stephen Donovan
Related Arts
Related Arts
Related Arts
Related Arts
Related Arts
Related Arts
Related Arts
Related Arts
Related Arts
Related Arts
Just after Superintendent Runey left, the BMS Debate Team returned from today's meet with another trophy. I am happy to report they are the Massasoit League Champions. #wearethechampions
3 months ago, Stephen Donovan
Debate Team Champions
Debate Team Champions
Debate Team Champions
Superintendent Runey stopped by with the Championship belt to present to the Beckwith Middle School Math Team who are the Massasoit League champions
3 months ago, Stephen Donovan
Math Team Champions
Math Team Champions
Math Team Champions
6th Grade this afternoon
3 months ago, Stephen Donovan
6th Grade
6th Grade
6th Grade
6th Grade
6th Grade
6th Grade
6th Grade
6th Grade
5th grade recess today
3 months ago, Stephen Donovan
The BMS Drama Club afterschool today practicing for their upcoming performance of "Into the Woods"
3 months ago, Stephen Donovan
Drama Club
Drama Club
Drama Club
Drama Club
Drama Club
Drama Club
7th Grade this morning
3 months ago, Stephen Donovan
7th grade
7th Grade
7th Grade
7th Grade
7th Grade
This week's winning numbers
3 months ago, Stephen Donovan
Lily Zink is Beckwith Middle School's Project 351 Ambassador this year. She is one of the 351 eighth-grade service ambassadors representing the cities and towns in the Commonwealth. This year's class of ambassadors were joined by Governor Healey and Senator Markey during a Launch Day Event in January. Lily organized a successful clothing drive here at Beckwith for her Spring Service Project.
4 months ago, Stephen Donovan
Project 351
Project 351
Project 351
8th Field Trip Castle at Park Plaza Boston - "Auschwitz. Not Long Ago. Not Far Away."
4 months ago, Stephen Donovan
8th Grade Field Trip
8th Grade Field Trip
8th Grade Field Trip
8th Grade Field Trip
8th Grade Field Trip
8th Grade Field Trip
8th Grade Field Trip
8th Grade Field Trip
8th Grade Field Trip
8th Grade Field Trip